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Latest International Lifesaving Equipment Regulations(LSA Code) Requirements for Totally Enclosed Lifeboat

Views: 1228     Author: admin     Publish Time: 2019-03-05      Origin:

Latest International Lifesaving Equipment Regulations(LSA Code) Requirements for Totally Enclosed Lifeboat

Section of the International Life-Saving Equipment Regulations (LSA Code) requirements for totally enclosed lifeboats: In addition to free fall lifeboats, one seat safety belt shall be provided for each designated seat. The seat safety belt should be designed to securely hold the person weighing 100kg in place when the lifeboat is in the overturned position. The color of each seat safety belt on the seat should be clearly different from the color of the safety belt next to the seat. The free fall lifeboat shall be equipped with a safety device with a distinctive colour in each seat (note that a safety device is required here, not a seat safety belt) to allow for a free landing and a lifeboat of 100kg when the lifeboat is in the overturned position. The personnel are firmly tied to the original place.

That is to say, the color of the two safety belts adjacent to the lifeboat should be clearly different. This requirement is only applicable to the totally enclosed lifeboat, and is not applicable to the free fall lifeboat, the open type lifeboat and the rescue boat.

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