Home / News / Industry news / The largest shipyard in Taiwan Province delivered the 8 sets 2800TEU container ship of Yangming Shipping!

The largest shipyard in Taiwan Province delivered the 8 sets 2800TEU container ship of Yangming Shipping!

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-04-06      Origin: Site

In the morning of April 1st, Taiwan International Shipbuilding Corporation of Taiwan Province of China held the delivery ceremony of the 2800 TEU-class container ship "Yongming" built for Yangming Shipping. Wei Zhengci, Vice President of Taiwan Shipping and He Yongshun, Chief Technology Officer of Yangming Shipping, signed the delivery documents on behalf of both parties. Important guests were invited to witness the ceremony.

It is reported that the "Yong Ming" ship has held a naming ceremony for its new ship on March 19. The ship is the eighth of the 10 2800 TEU class container ships ordered by Yang Ming Shipping. The ship is 209.75 meters long, 32.8 meters wide, 16.8 meters deep, 11.2 meters full-load draught, and 37,435 tons deadweight. The deck can be loaded with 8 layers and 13 rows of containers, and there are 6 layers and 11 rows in the cargo hold. A total of 2940 20-foot standard containers can be loaded, and 353 sets of refrigerated container sockets are provided. The stacking weight of containers on the cover and deck conforms to the LI-LASHING classification symbol of BV. According to the sea conditions of different operating routes, different container lashing tension forces are applied to increase the number of stacked layers of containers to make the overall The container placement method is more flexible.

In terms of energy saving and environmental protection, the ship adopts low-resistance linear, high-efficiency propellers, energy-saving reaction rudder and rudder ball to improve propulsion efficiency, greatly save fuel consumption and reduce carbon emissions; forward-looking sword bow design not only has low resistance in still water, but also The performance of wind and wave resistance is more excellent, and it can have excellent energy-saving performance under different draughts and pitches. In actual sailing, there is no need to adjust the pitch of the ship to achieve the energy-saving effect.

This series of ships is equipped with an advanced computer integration system to monitor the unmanned engine room, and is equipped with a tail shaft monitoring device, which can greatly improve the safety of navigation.

The ship adopts the latest international ship pollution prevention regulations and standards, and the engine exhaust and sewage treatment are in line with the second phase of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) emission standards, reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by about 20% compared with the previous generation of diesel engines. In addition, the main engine is equipped with Low load tuning and exhaust gas bypass system EGB (Exhaust Gas Bypass) to make it more energy-saving at normal operating speeds (25% to 70% of maximum horsepower). It is also equipped with a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) certified by the United States Coast Guard (USCG). The installed washing system meets the IMO 2020 emission standard of 0.5%. This series of ships meets the latest energy-saving standards of IMO Energy Efficiency Index (EEDI), and takes into account the performance of ship speed, fuel consumption and loading. It can be described as a new generation of high-loading and economical green ships.

After the delivery of the ship, it will be put into the JTS route of Yangming Shipping in Asia, which will help Yangming Shipping to further improve the operating performance of the routes in Asia. 

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