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hot sales orange color twins air chamber 275N inflatable life jacket

Views: 51     Author: Wisdom     Publish Time: 2019-04-23      Origin: Site

Zhenjiang Matchau Marine Equipment Company orange color twins air chamber 275N infaltable life jacket sales well,we can provide CE certification and wheel marked EC certification,details of the product is as following:

Air Chamber: Double

Inflation Type: Automatic+manual

Buoyancy: ≥275N

Cylinde: 55g CO2 Cylinder x 2

Weight: ≤1.5kg

Angle in Water Face Plane Angle: ≥40°

Truck Angle: ≥30°

Freeboard: ≥120mm

Inflation Time: ≤5s

Floating Duration: ≥24h

Buoyancy Loss after 24h: <5%

Ambient Temperature: -30~65

Pictures and carton packing see below:



Add:  No.221,Shuangzi Bd. A,Science Park,Dingmao,Zhenjiang,212009,P.R.China    E-mail:
Tel: +86-511-88882551 / 15312365297
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